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Personal loan
the Nubank way

You're in control
from start to finish.

Applications for products are only available in portuguese.

We are glad you're interested. Please, apply on the Brazilian Portuguese version of our website.

No tricks.
No asterisks.
A way without gimmicks.

A personal loan the way it should always be: fully transparent and with fair rates. Every date and amount shown on your screen. An experience that puts you in control from start to finish. Without asterisks, hidden charges, or tricks.

Run a simulation
to do it your way

You can't tell if you're making a good choice unless you know exactly what you're choosing. Run a simulation before taking out your loan, and you'll see exactly how much and when you'll have to pay. Everything transparent, simple and clear on your screen.

See and pay ahead of time

Having real control means being able to make your own choices. That's why you can visualize and manage your payments in a simple and efficient way. And, whenever you want, you can choose to pay your installments ahead of time and receive a proportional discount.

The money goes into your Nubank digital account instantly.

We know there are things in life that can't wait.

Frequently asked questions

  • Who can apply for a loan?

    The personal loan is still being tested. To find out if you can apply for one, just see if the option is available on the home page of your Nubank app. If not, you'll still need to wait a little. If the button is grey, that means you've met your personal loan limit.
  • How do I pay the installments?

    The payments for your installments are made via automatic debit on your Nubank digital account. All you need is to have enough funds in your account by the end of the due date, and we'll process it.
  • How long before I have to start paying?

    You have up to 90 days to pay the first installment, and you can choose the date of the first payment during the simulation.
  • What is the maximum period to pay off all installments?

    You can pay off your loan in between 1 and 24 installments.
  • What is my interest rate?

    Interest rates are personalized to each customer and can vary according to the month and number of installments chosen during the simulation. To see the exact rate, just run a simulation.
  • Can I do a loan balance transfer?

    Yes. A loan balance transfer allows you to transfer the amount you owe on a loan to another financial institution. To do so, all you have to do is contact the institution to which you want to make the transfer.

    There are two rules: the total amount of the new loan can't be greater than your outstanding balance. And the new repayment period also cannot be greater than the current one. In other words, to do a loan balance transfer, the terms offered by the other institution must be better than those currently in effect. So be sure to carefully compare all terms and conditions.

Still have questions?

For more answers click here.

Want to know more about personal loans the Nubank way?

On our blog, we explain how it works and the best ways to use it.

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