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About us

Reinventing what's possible

Join our revolution

We’re building a diverse and international team with the most innovative professionals in their field of expertise for each position we open. We value the most creative professionals in technology, design, decision sciences and customer experience.

Nubank is based in São Paulo and we are now taking the first steps in our international expansion. After opening a tech hub in Berlin in 2017, we arrived in Mexico and Argentina as Nu and opened offices in Mexico City and Buenos Aires.

We are backed by some of the most prominent investment funds in the market, such as TCV, Sequoia Capital, Kaszek Ventures, Tiger Global Management, QED, Founders Fund, DST Global, Redpoint Ventures, Ribbit Capital, Dragoneer Investment Group, Thrive Capital and Tencent.

Explore rolesExternal Link

Our Pillars

  • Technology

    We develop our own technology by leveraging functional languages and open source projects.

  • Design

    We questioned all the complexity of financial services in order to always offer the best experience.

  • Data Science

    We tested our ideas and learned quickly, using models and making decisions based on data.

  • Customer Experience

    We make our customers' lives as easy as possible, by offering them everything that's within our reach. Your problem will always be our problem.

Meet the Nubankers

We launched a series to help you learn more about us.

Como é ser Technical Product Manager no Nubank?

Como é ser Product Manager no Nubank?

Como é trabalhar com engenharia de software no Nubank?

Como é ser Xpeer no Nubank?

Como é ser data scientist no Nubank?

Como é ser arquiteto de negócios no Nubank?

"With a food truck at the door, walls covered in graffiti, and foosball tables, our headquarters looks like anything but a credit card issuer company – the average age of our employees, it's worth noting, is 26 years old."

QuartzExternal Link

"Far beyond the cool working environment, with a ball pit, engagement is built through a series of rituals. It starts with the lecture on culture given by the founder and CEO, David Vélez, and gains shape throughout the journey within the startup."

Valor EconômicoExternal Link

"We have mathematicians, physicians, biologists, engineers, journalists, and even musicians. People coming from traditional banks are rare."

Época NegóciosExternal Link